All volunteers who work with children are required to attend an in person Safe Environment Workshop approved by the Diocese AND undergo a criminal background check.
Participation in a similar workshop provided by any other Catholic Diocese or any other organization is not recognized. These workshops are offered periodically at St. Matthew.
If volunteers cannot attend a workshop at St. Matthew, they may go to workshops in any other parishes in the Diocese.
Certification is valid for five years, after which volunteers must take the Safe Environment Workshop again in person. Contact Susan Clifton for details of renewal of certification.
Please download and print the Application form, and return it to Susan Clifton at the St. Matthew parish office for processing.
Print the reference forms provided below. Please ask the person providing the reference to return to:
Susan Clifton, DRE
St. Matthew Catholic Church
1001 Mason Rd.
Durham, NC 27712
Or by email: [email protected]
Following the revelations of abuse of children and youth by some clergy and church workers in recent years, all Catholic Dioceses have made great efforts to ensure safety and security for all children and youth while in the care of Church personnel.
St. Matthew Parish abides by the Diocese of Raleigh's full Child and Youth Protection policies:
Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People
Policies and Procedures for the Protection of Young People
Code of Conduct for Church Personnel in the Diocese of Raleigh
Report Suspected Abuse
Ten Points for Protecting Children - from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
2013 Report on the Implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People
'Prevent Child Abuse Month' Resources
All volunteers must sign a “Personal Information Sheet” declaring that they have never been accused or convicted of child abuse. All parents will be asked to sign this form when registering their children. All catechists also have to participate in some training in Child and Youth Protection. Anyone who refuses to do this will not be permitted to be on the premises when children are present. We also expect all catechists and staff to exercise vigilance and care at all times to ensure the children’s safety and security. We ask – and have received – full cooperation from parents in this essential matter.
Catechists will routinely assure children that their safety and security is very important, and the children are encouraged to confide in a trusted adult is somebody makes them feel unsafe.