The Knights will be selling tickets for the Fish Frys at the Masses for March 1st & 2nd. Tickets are $15 per plate. Pre-orders can be made at: The first Fish Fry will be Friday, March 7th, the second will be Friday, March28th.
Misa Dominical en Español, 1pm comenzando el 5 de enero—Día de Los Reyes!
1pm Sunday Mass in Spanish starting January 5!
¡Damos las gracias a Dios y a la Virgen! Comenzando en enero, tendremos la Santa Misa Dominical a la 1:00pm. Necesitamos voluntarios para los ministerios litúrgicos: acólitos (ojalá --¡jóvenes!), lectores, guiás, y sacristanes.
Si tienen interés favor de contactar a Azucena Reyes: (919) 358-5282 o por email: [email protected]. ¡Un gran don de los Reyes!
St. Matthew is offering Extended Adorations following Friday Masses from 1-6 PM, starting Fri. Sep. 6. We need at least 2 adorers/hr. Please click on this announcement to sign up on-line for a date and time slot.
Do you enjoy working with children or teens? St. Matthew has been fortunate to have wonderful volunteers, but we always need more help! Please prayerfully consider this rewarding St. Matthew ministry. Use this link to volunteer at:
Register your children & teens, ages 5 to 18, for our 2024-25 Year at There’s No Cost to register, but we need to order materials, so registration closes July 1st. Questions email [email protected].
Jesus wants to come visit! Fr. John is offering to bring Jesus to your home for a short 15 min. prayer and blessing, no fuss, no food. Sign-up cards are located on a table in the Commons.